Rebel Talk: We Are Not Same
In a world that often pushes us toward conformity, celebrating our individuality becomes a rebellious act of self-love and personal growth. "We are not the same". A powerful reminder that each of us carries a unique spark, an essence that sets...
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Rebel Talk: You don't know how it feels.
Last week I wrote about time spent with family and my parents 50th wedding anniversary. I spent the week with them, along with other family members. While this trip is something I very much enjoy with my kids and my...
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Rebel Wired: Time. Value. Cheers to 50 Years
Yesterday, I had the joy of celebrating my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. Today, I have the privilege of spending Father's Day with my dad. I am grateful and feel lucky. These moments, filled with love and gratitude, have given me...
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Rebel Wired: Fat (finally) Cut
We've all heard the phrase "cut the fat" when it comes to dieting and fitness. But what if I told you that this principle can apply to your life in a much broader sense? Imagine trimming away not just physical...
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Rebel Wired: Foundation In Foresight
Life has a way of throwing curveballs when we least expect it. But those who thrive are the ones who don't just react to the unexpected—they anticipate it. Being prepared isn't just about having a backup plan; it's about cultivating...
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