Rebel Wired: The Art of the Distraction
Tonight's the "Big Game". The Superbowl. While it's fun to watch, and the commercials are entertaining, after the game, get back in focus.Distractions, like professional sports, Netflix, FB or Instagram reels, your phone you're likely reading this on right now,...
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Rebel Wired: The loudest often say the least.
Our country celebrates extroversion and loudness. I can't tell you how often I find myself in conversations with others where my body is there, but my mind is not.  Why? They are superficial, boring, and lack intellect. Sporting events for...
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Rebel Wired: The waiting is the hardest part.
There are moments that resonate with the quiet, yet intense strings of anticipation. Tom Petty once sang, "The waiting is the hardest part," a line that has echoed through the chambers of my heart, especially in moments steeped in waiting....
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Rebel Wired: Dust in the wind
Life, is a beautiful gift, and we are each given the opportunity to do what we want with it. It's unfortunate to see when we pay attention that so many just meander through it, and seemingly idle through it waiting...
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Rebel Wired: The Devil Within
We often find ourselves entangled in the struggle between our aspirations and the nagging whispers of self-doubt. I know I do at least. This internal adversary, the devil within, can cast shadows on our dreams, dimming the brilliant light of...
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